last week i was rediscovering
my old mantronix records, this
week's it's kano. gawdamn,
all 80/81 and still rockin' 20 years
later. kano fans:
i've got it's a war/ahjia 12"
i'm ready/holly dolly 12" (possibly
the inspiration for "charevari")
the can't hold back/she's a star 12".
i know there's a self-titled kano LP
(which i've never seen in my
life; how hard is it to find?),
but are there any other 12"s
or LPs that were released that
i should be working toward
tracking down? if so, year(s)? label(s)?
thanks in advance
for the help. andrew duke :)

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

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