In a message dated 2/27/00 4:51:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 SND : Travelog 12" (SND 03) 
 Truly fantastic third e.p. from Matt & Mark on their own SND label. 
 The 4 tracks on Travelog have significantly moved on from the sound 
 of the first two EP's and stand in stark contrast to the Uber-minimalism 
 of the collaborative 'Blir' project. It would perhaps be a tad misleading to 
 describe the pieces here as moving onto a more commercial domain - and 
 yet there is a stunning, accessible warmth in these pieces missing from a 
 lot of similarly aspiring product. Subtle harmonics drift, rubbing against 
 the hypnotic percolating rhythm tracks. We cannot recommend this 12" 
 enough. Pure essential. >>

Really great to hear about this, as since we are talking
about Gramm we should also mention SND who are certainly
as intriguing and skilled. I was a huge fan of their first two 12"s
on their own SND label and the CD on Mille Plateaux but the
Blir 12" and the Shirt Trax CD were too minimal for me. The Blir
12" sounds like the square root of Studio 1. And if I remember
correctly SND's self-released stuff is always very limited (300-ish),
so everybody move fast and grab this one. If it really shows them
progressing as much as the promo claims it will be a classic. 


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