This wouldn't have anything to do with the French
magazine Coda that's been going for about four or five
years now?  It's all about dance music 'n stuff. 
Don't know what involvement Garnier has/had with it,
if any.


--- Otto Koppius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cyclone Wehner wrote:
> > 
> > Has anyone see a new magazine Coda that Laurent
> Garnier has started up
> > (or is starting up) in London? I would love to
> track it down. I read a
> > news item about it in a local magazine.
> AFAIK Coda is an Irish magazine, but I don't know if
> it's specifically
> dance music or more general music/art. I assume they
> did an article on
> Garnier recently that may explain the confusion?
> Otto
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