Yes, I apologize. Got a little carried away there.


On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 16:19:10 -0400 (EDT) Nathan John de Yonker <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can we save this for mw-raves?
>Seriously, this is personal reply territory.
>Then, either stay home at night and be productive, or go out dancing and
>ignore the annoying people. It's part of life.
>On 5 Apr 2000, Rich Neal wrote:
>> I guess you had no quarrels about filling that venue to oh i dunno,
>> 1000 over max. capacity considering you sold each ticket for $25.  
>> But I'll tell you first hand, most of the people that I know that used
>> to have faith in Phryl events, don't anymore. I remember the good old
>> days..the first clockwork to be specific. oh dear lord how carola
>> rocked my ass that night. hah.
>> Peace, Rich.

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