
the unfortunate thing about dj ken etal is we are now sleepwalking. we don't
even care about things like this anymore because we have been so inundated
by it. the answer to the commodification of cool is the constant mutation
into the new. it must continue as long as they (the marketers, advertisers,
productizers, deal-makers of the world) clue in to what is hip in the
underground. once a subculture 'flips' as they say in the biz, the subject
is dead and on to the next (look at skate punk: dilluted down to a palatable
melange of marketable indie rock and extreme sports). the issue i have with
this, however, is it changes history -- pop culture is one of the
foundations of our history -- and as long as we don't answer this assault to
our senses, we will be forced to mutate continuously because that's all we
can do in answer to such atrocities.

to become more aware of this, here are some good sources:

the book "The Conquest of Cool"


also, about music...the new silicone soul, a soul thing, is sadly


marie kacmarek
electronic music and beyond 

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