hiya, miss holly -

could someone please email me the lineup from this event? i'm trying to figure out who some of the sets are, and would like to put them in chronological order
so the night is as close to recreated as possible...

the intended lineup was as follows:

dance room

9pm - 11pm     brooks mosher & sutekh
11pm - 12am    matt macqueen & david siska
12am - 1am     horsepower & aaron bennett
1am - 2:30am  derek plaslaiko & craig gonzales & leslie rollins
2:30am ????


9pm - 10:30pm       otto & lowlands
10:30pm - 11:30pm   rob.
11:30pm - 12:30am   phred
12:30am - 1:30am    matrix
1:30am - 2:30am     emanuel vs. chris
2:30am  ?????

now, i chickenscratched the names/times on the dats themselves or on the stickers on the dat cases, so josh would have that information as long as everything hasn't gotten mixed up in the transfering process.

also, i know that gerald threw down in the big room after 2:30am, rob. never played in the front room but ian dinsmor did, phred went back on the decks in the front and closed out the night there... i also found another dat here from the night. i can figure out the progression if josh gets the dats back to me...


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