While books are in issue i'd like to recommend a book i picked up from the music library at uni. It's a brand new book but from a major publisher so it shouldnt be to hard to track down. Its called "Discographies : dance music, culture and the politics of sound" By Jeremy Gilbert and Ewan Pearson.(Published: London ; New York : Routledge, 1999.) And I cant do it justice in a short description but its a critical / theoretical / cultural approach to many of the issues involved in dance music (which in their definition includes house, techno, soul,disco hip hop etc). Their analysis draws on contemporary critical theory using the work of Barthes, Kristeva, Derrida, Foucault et al. (while it utilizes these thinkers the book is always careful to explain the ideas that they are drawing on - you dont have to go and read the thinkers to understand the book) Its not a history but a very sophisticated analysis of the the role of music and dance music in particular in western culture. Of particular interest was a section where they looked at some of the reasons why western culture is so resistant to dance music. Its quite academic but very rewarding - i dont find it arrogant or pretensious either but i have some experience with this sort of writing. I'd recommend it to any one who is interested in 'dance music' in the broadest sense of the word. Its also very applicable to experimental electronic music. Any one who wants some more info feel free to email me.

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