i have been to parties out on the east coast, mid-west
and the west coast.  the only place that had any kind
of age restriction was the East Coast, especially DC
and Baltimore.  it made for a  more fun and mature
enviroment.  i am sick of going to parties and seeing
all these 14-18 year old kids laying around on the
floor rolling thier ass off.  that is not my cup of
tea.  and besides, most of these kids don't know where
it all comes from.  they think that trance is the way,
and really it is just ruining it all.  ok...that is
enough venting for today.

--- "Benjamin Cuthbert (Merch)"
> -The news reports are always sensationalistic and
> driven by ratings
> I could not agree with you more, but in my opinion,
> news reports like these,
> even though it was very sensational, can help to
> clean up this scene. This
> scene has been going down the shitter the past few
> years. Parents need to
> know where their 13-17 yr. olds are at night because
> they have no business
> being at raves and getting fucked up. That is what
> is making the scene look
> bad. I saw the news report last night and the main
> focus was on underage
> kids and their "secret" life. They did not mention
> anything about what
> happened to the people over 18.
> So, what I want to know is why promoters do not set
> age limits on their
> parties. Will it affect the bottom-line that much? 
> I am down with the cause and will sign the petition
> because there are two
> sides to every story and raves are extremely
> stereotyped by the media. I
> also believe, however, that there is some truth to
> every stereotype and that
> the rave scene needs to except some responsibility
> and change. At this
> moment in time, I cannot think of one positive thing
> that the media could
> report on about raves. 
> PS - I also want to know why more people do not
> support the Detroit's club
> scene more. While everyone was getting busted on
> Saturday, they missed an
> excellent bust-free night at Science.
> ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shane from PLURkids
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:49 AM
> To: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: (313) Online petition at
> http://www.petitiononline.com/plur/petition.html
> Hi all,
>   This last weekend in Detroit it was like 1515
> Broadway all over again. 
> Mid-week there had been another one of those "look
> where your children are 
> at on saturday night!" reports on the news. Of
> course, it was just like 
> years ago - a promoter had called the news
> complaining of how they wanted to
> "clean up the scene". Then they rented a space that
> they thought was 
> bust-proof, and proceeded to throw a party with
> tight security and 500 free 
> tickets. It backfired in their face and of course
> the cops arrived with the 
> news in tow. Multiple kids were beaten on site by
> the Highland Park Police, 
> and the newspeople witnessed this but did not report
> it.
> *sigh*
> Either way, we want to at least have a chance to
> speak about the things that
> make rave culture special to us. The news reports
> are always 
> sensationalistic and driven by ratings - this we
> grudgingly accept as the 
> way it is - but it would be nice to be heard at all,
> even within that 
> context. Please help us find a voice amongst all the
> yelling.
> Thanks,
> Shane
> PLURkids Productions
> Info 734.913.9672
> www.plurkids.com
>    _   ___  ____          o  ____
> __))  ))_   ))  __  __   _   ))
> ((_(  ((_   ((  (|  ((_) ((  ((
> http://www.petitiononline.com/plur/petition.html
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