I had the opportunity to see Brinkmann doing a live PA at the "W:lson:c"
festival in Slovakia... he was riding an old analog drum machine and two
Norld Micro Modulars driven by two Yamaha QY-700s... fine setup...
minimalistic but not inexpensive...;)
Brinkman's music was awesome; quite different from those on his
releases, though... flat drums and pure synth phrases, definitely less
tricks and weirdness... actually some kind of "real techno" ;) ,
monotonic and hypnotic.
The slovakian guys were sitting on the floor all the time - although
Brinkmann started his set tossing a 20s box of Heineken bier to the

BTW, is it common in the USA that the audience stays sitting even if
they like what they hear?


* MURANYI Andras - senior web-designer       *
* ROMbrandt Multimedia * http://www.miwo.hu/ *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              *

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