On Thu, 25 May 2000 18:08:03 +0200, "Ben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Subject:       [313] Tribal Gathering what happened???
>Does any of you remember/or go to any of the brilliant Tribal Gathering events 
>In the UK, i 
>believe it was promoted by universe+mean fiddler.  I know that mean fiddler 
>now does 
>homelands/ or creamfi
>lds which has taken the place of this great event, and replaced it with mostly 
>cheesy/commercialised event.  Does anyone know if Universe still promotes and 
>still has any 
>interest in putting on anot
>er Tribal gathering in the UK?  As there has not been a decent open air 
>festival in the UK for 
>some time.  Thankyou.

If you can make it up to Scotland, the Slam tent at T in the Park is definitely 
worth the 

Saturday 8th July

Derrick May
Kevin Saunderson presents E-Dancer (Live)
DJ Rolando
DJ Sneak
Gene Farris
Roger Sanchez & Junior Sanchez (not for me but who I am????)
Funk D'Void (Live)

Sunday 9th July

Carl Cox & Jim Masters
Andrew Weatherall
Darren Emerson
James Lavelle
Universal Principles

... + some other I can't remember

Saturday is the one for me, strong D line-up might compensate for my being 
unable to get to the 
DEMF.  Those of you going have the top weekend that the occasion deserves and 
get back on list 
next week with every detail of the weekend for those less fortunate that 

Peace & Respect,

PS.  I'm right excited about going to Slam's "Pressure" tonight at The Arches 
in Glasgow.  Line 
up: DJ Rolando, Luke Slater (Live), David Alvarado, Cari Lekebusch and, of 
course, the Slam 
boys...just had to tell you as I can't do any work today just thinking about 

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