Rol I don't like Mills new sound.....I much prefer the May/Atkins stuff.
If your characterization of Alan is correct--and though I know Alan
through his work on FAST FORWARD I haven't heard his stuff--then I
probably wouldn't want to hear it at a gig necessarily.

But with that said, I think Alan is correct to critique Carl for not
inviting him on stage.  Alan is old school....and he should've been there.
The fact that someone tried to EXPLAIN to him--presumably without Alan
asking him to--why Alan got dicked is a sign to me that at least SOMEONE
recognized that what happened was wrong.

It doesn't matter whether Alan's music fits in with May, Atkins, or even
someone like Parrish.  It is what it is....and it IS detroit.

This does diminish the power of the DEMF....though to be honest I JUST got
back for the night, and it was still as beautiful as a newborn babe.

maybe more on this later


         Lester Kenyatta Spence     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
         Assistant Professor, Political Science
         Washington University at St. Louis
         "Strive for excellence in all you do, that no
         fault may be found in your character...."        

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