Hey Dustin,
Have you tried telephoning any pirate stations around
your area? That's how I get gigs. I play for free but
it's a start and allows me to play a load of stuff
that I could never play in a club. If you don't know
any pirate stations try asking the dj's at clubs you
go to. You've just gotta have the guts to walk up
thinking you're it and tell 'em so too. 

The only way you're ever gonna get gigs is to be a bit
ballsy and basically kick the dj off the decks and
take over, you know what I mean? Try asking at the
shop(s) you get rekkids from too. Underground stores
tend to have a major link with underground promoters.
Music is a love u c and they're all friends with each
other so you could have a major resource sitting right
in front of you.

Hope that helps... Tho' I spose you've already tried
all this if you're asking the thickies on here;)
Pretty much a sign of desperation if you ask me;)

Good luck,
Nick Walsh(DJ Pacific;), 

--- Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > maybe this is not so music related but
> anyway
> i have problems in Florida getting attention for my
> music
> i do not get gigs - it is next to impossible
> is there anyone else on this list from florida???
> central florida in particular - maybe you know what
> i am going through
> and can help me
> all the music i play is 313 related - mostly lush
> techno
> thanks - dustin
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