well, IMO the music tie comes from parallells (sp) in economy and social standings. It goes way back with Germany, and has so many social,economic and political layers-with both Germany and Detroit.

Tell your friend to look up pre & post Wiemar Germany and the fall of the German economy after WWI which in end fused the rise of Hitler etc. It is then that the German economy really started to decrease and fall onto hardships. My last two years of college I spent researching pre and post Wiemar Germany and the tolls it took on the artistic community-specifically the Bauhaus School of Art & the departments of typography/design and the weaving workshop. SO, if he wants to take a gander at my sources-let me know.

As for Detroit, focus on the industrial boom, esp. with automobiles and the imports and exports of Detroit industry. The riots is also where he should focus, and how they effected the city from racial,economic & infostructure standpoints. I think to make the paper complete Id suggest interviewing some city officials ho were around then and also producers such as Mike Banks,Kelli Hand, Allan etc who have watched the city change over the years.

ermm, so i hope all i said here was correct-as a history major,id feel like an ass if i was way off base.

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