
I took my own advice, and started a gear mailing list dedicated to
Detroit related electronic music. IF you would be interested in joining,
click on this link:


It is fun, it is easy, and if you want to talk about Rich Hawtin with a
devilfish 303, or Dan Bell running up and down Gratiot Ave. with a fully
loaded RZ-1, you can do that cuz it will be 100% on topic. If you want
to talk about Lawrence Burden sweating behind a W-30 during a Octave One
live set, you can do that too, it is all good. On what other list can
you learn fun facts like the main board played during the Tikiman/CR
DEMF set was a Prophet 5. You feel me dog??? 


Intermodal wrote:
> hello,
> I would like to comment about the current off topic-ness of a lot of the
> 313 posts lately. Gear is cool, and it definitely was an obsession of
> mine for a few years, but it is off-topic on this list. If you feel the
> overwhelming need to talk about Roland or Sonic Foundry, that is cool,
> but you should do it on other lists. I know that I am not the only
> person on this list that has paid dues in AH, DH, RMMS, RMMM, Synthzone,
> Sonicstate, Harmony Central...and when I want gear information, I will
> go to those sources. When I want to hear about what is going on in
> Detroit these days, or want to know about an obscure pre-UR Mike Banks
> record or details about what Damon Booker did after retroactive records,
> that's when I come to 313.
> I do not mean to be a jerk about it, but it is better discussed
> elsewhere among more knowledgeable people who are interested in the
> subject. One of you guys should go to eGroups.com and start a detroit
> techno gear list, or something to that extent. It will take 5 minutes,
> and it will save a lot of OT traffic on this list. If somebody would
> make the list, I would join, personally. It's something to think
> about...
> take care,
> mt
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 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "I am often rich...not in money...but because I have found 
  in my work something which I can devote myself to heart 
  and soul, and which inspires me and give a meaning to life."
  Van Gogh

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