confirmation that all 612 313 agents were wiggling. u know who u r ;)

hmm... to gather one's thoughts.
I am still in a daze to see two of my favourite artists in the same night
at the same venue is a rare treat.

I was sitting down for i don't know how long after carl craig had finished
unable and unwilling to move, suspended reliving the every moment of his
set. sad puppy ;)

and it seems a good place to begin

last time i saw CC play was in 96 (?) when he was djing in australia, it
may have been his first visit (cyclone?). he blew me away and this time he
did it again.

i thought it was very paperclip people-esque, maybe given the opening
bassline was from '4 my peeps' (a personal fav of mine).

CC was scheduled ot play for 1.5 hours. I don't know about anyone else but
he seemed to play for only 45 minutes. Maybe I just wanted it to never
wanted it to stop. i can't say more coz it blew me away, as usual.

CC was very much the 'star' on the night. wot with the very lovely, but
somewhat annoying, 'honeyz' dancing on the podium. This and the APALLING
crowding are my only whinges. two chicks dancing on a podium waving
ribbons about while we the people were barely able to breathe. if it was
for my peeps then we should have had space to move. with a live
performance i consider the music maker to be telling a story and the
crowd/ the dancer to be retelling that story through dance. i couldn't
tell my story and that was kinda sad, especially coz CC's music always
seems to tell my story so well. another thread another time another list

Claude Young was bloody excellent as one has come to expect. Definitely
not a repeat of the sad circumstance of Adelaide a few days ago. He kept
it true and everyone was with him all the way. I'll leave trainspotting to
the folks who know.

All the DJs I heard reminded me of why it is I love this music and why I
believe. And better, they dragged me from my flu fouled state and made me
the soppy mees I am right now :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

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