Respect to Hawtin for giving us what we have today.  While many have
contirubted to the growth of electronic music this man deserves a lot >more credit than you are giving him.

I'm a big fan of Richie Hawtin's past work, but the recent tour and it's corresponding Mix C.D. was frankly dull. Technically brilliant and difficult it may be, but it still bored the tit's off me for four or five hours after I'd paid eight quid to see him at Voodoo, and from the opinions of this list it seems I'm not the only one who felt a little let down. Respect is one thing, but you're only as good as your last mix as they (almost) say...
As regard's the recent lists of good releases, why has no-one mentioned Black water yet?... or is it one of the few things which we all agree upon.


The Electric Press
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