Bought a record on Saturday with the title "Sound
Stream". It has 4 funky housy tunes on it, featuring
blatant samples from old funk/disco records. Love 'em
to death tho... Does any one have any more info on
this? The record is pretty blank with just thenames of
the tunes and the title of the record on it. The tunes
are as follows:

a1. Good Soul
a2. Motion
b1. Let's Break
b2. Love Town

Verdict's please...

Also, I wanna just apologise if I offended anyone
yesterday with my comments. I was having a hell of a
bad day as it was and when I saw grown ppl arguing
like a bunch of school kids about something utterly
childish, I thought it was time I stuck my oar in...

I think everyone will agree that it isn't particular
GENRES that any of us hate. It's COMMERCIALISM that
destroys music. In fact it's money that destroys most
creativity. Trance labels like Platipus and
Superstition have stayed true to what they believed in
at the start. It's twats like Pvd and Oakenfold that,
as they've gained recognition, have had to buy bigger
and bigger wallets and their skill and love for the
music is lost as their desire for fame and money
continues to grow. 

You see, many ppl love music and make a living doing
what they love, but few can cope with fame and stay
true to what they originally believed in. Priorities
change when you can afford just about ANYTHING and
MILLIONS love you. This is the downfall of todays
music industry.

I feel that, as commercialist promoters pick up on
genres and take wannabes for a short but very fast
ride, they end up destroying the scene, before they
move on to something else. The only way that music can
stay alive even through our commercialist society is
to stay close to it's roots, the underground. Hip hop
has been picked up by big name promoters but it won't
die because there are always kids on the street,
starting from scratch, actually feeling the vibe in
their hearts. The same goes for house music. What the
kids fail to realise is that the centre of the scene
isn't at the top, in the big clubs, or the names on
the back of a Sony cd. It's at the bottom, in that
kids bedroom, on his turntables, in the little
underground record shops, in the soul of all the ppl
who truly love the music...

In the end it isn't trance or garage we should hate...
It's commercialism that steals our creativity, our
child and cuts all the rough edges off and puts it in
a nice tidy, shiny box and sells it to dumbass school
kids for £15.99. That's what we should hate....


--- 0 0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Date: Tue, 13
Jun 2000 05:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
> >From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Nick=20Walsh?=
> >Subject: Re: Re: Re: [313] What Is Up With 313?
> >I've been on this list for about 3 months now and
> I'm
> >beginning to notice a hierarchy in here. Why the
> f*!k
> >do ppl have to bitch each other just for giving
> their
> >personal opinions? I used to kinda respect some of
> the
> >ppl posting stuff on this list. I kinda looked up
> to
> >some of them, the well known ones, but it seems ppl
> >who post stuff, especially those who actually work
> in
> >the industry, are a bunch of self opinionated
> >w*$kers...
> >cya,
> >Nick (Dj Pacific:)
> >Pps. I don't see why Jeff should be booted.
> There're
> >too many ppl getting away with much worse stuff
> just
> >recently. I can cope with messages about
> undelivered
> >email. What I CAN'T cope with is gobsh*t f*ckwits
> >causing sh*te for the rest of us... I remember
> reading
> >in the terms of use that we weren't allowed to use
> >foul language... check it out...
> Some people can't seem to take a bit of winding up,
> basically.
> Jesus, if you cant cope with all that then you are
> fucked in the music ind. 
> You sound like a right jumped up student and/or
> mummys boy.
> Slap my wrist.
> >Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:50:58 -0400
> >From: Dustin A Sledgianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [313] Re: What is up with 313
> >if you arent willing to listen to other music
> besides "your music" then
> >obviously you wont be able to see what i am talking
> about
> >it seems that people are openminded enough to
> listen to techno, but >then
> >fall into the genre trap again despising all other
> music besides "what >is
> >theirs" -
> >dustin
> >i just noticed this - this is why you are lost
> >>Proper techno is deep, soulful and funky and
> trance
> >>is Souless and funkless!
> >there is no such thing as "proper techno"
> >if you have to follow guidelines to what is good
> music then really you
> >dont understand at all what music is about
> >you arent listening to music, just guidelines
> >dustin
> My guidelines are: It's either got the
> funk/swing/attitude or it ain't.
> Simple as that. Nothing to do with what you said
> above. Nothing to do with 
> what is "Who's music"(!)
> I've been buying/selling/working with music for a
> good few years now, so I 
> can see how labelling stuff can be good and bad, but
> shit music is just shit 
> music, it doesnt matter what 'genre' it is.
> I'd buy a hardfloor record if it was good and I'd
> turn down a Jeff Mills 
> record if i thought it was crap.
> zip
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