> I think that different races have their strengths and weaknesses.
> that's just evolution.  This isn't a list to vent philosophies (or is it)
> I guess i am racist.  I'm white, I'll buy a black guys music before I buy
> a white guys
> I guess it's reverse racism.    ....... whatever man
> MIGRATE.......INTEGRATE......PROCREATE.........create

?  racism 101

a) you are racist...everyday you participate in institutional structures 
that are at there core racist...you gain priveledge/power by being of 
european descent...whether you are aware or not, whether you are actively 
or passively complicit you can not escape it...you can fight it by 
working to change the power structures but that is it...

b) there is no such thing as "reverse racism"..again racism implies a 
level of power that is _instituitonalized_ people who are in an oppressed 
group simply do not have that level of power at their disposal to be 


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