> i agree that there is no such thing as reverse racism. i disagree that the
> oppressed are not able to be racist.
> racism is the belief/opinion/view that one race is superior.
> one doesnot have to be in a position of power to hold that belief. one
> does not have to be in a position of power to exercise that belief. one
> may have to be in a position of power to implement institutional racism,
> but that is not the same thing.
> racism knows no colour. it is indiscriminate. it only looks for ignorance
> and arrogance. kinda like all prejudice really.

wrong! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG...learn yer terms...learn the 
difference between discrimination, prejudice and the "isms"...

racism is the SYSTEMIC, INSTITUTIONALIZED mistreatment of one group of 
people by another based on racial heritage...

sexism is the SYSTEMIC, INSTITUTIONALIZED mistreatment of women by men

classism is the SYSTEMIC, INSTITUTIONALIZED misteatment of lower economic 
classes by the ruling classes

heterosexism is the SYSTEMIC, INSTITUTIONALIZED mistreatment of 
gays/lesbians by the straight community

etc. etc. etc...


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