On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, laura gavoor wrote:

+Detroit changed the world twice with no assistance from anyone on the 

i agreed with your post, except for the above statement.

i'm pretty sure detroit changed the world more than twice.  i'm pretty
sure fargo also changed the world more than twice... the world is a busy
place, and it's a wonder anyone still keeps count.

nothing is completely original or independent, and detroit is no
exception... though i can understand how it would seem so through the
eyes of someone from detroit.  

what kind of recognition does detroit really need anyways?  what was it
they said about imitation?  detroit is bold, imho, but also insecure...
take the advice given to jeanie bueller in the cop shop.

loved those "fuck trance" t-shirts at demf, btw.



there is no zen.

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