>--- detroit science <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: >I know he (Oliver Chesler) did a great job
clearing the dancefloor (in fact the whole venue) when
he played in Detroit at the "by the bridge" space two
>years ago.

First of all that's the biggest load of shit i believe
i've ever read. You can get people to back it up all
you want but oliver never even played out there. But
wheather he did or not is beside the point.
Intelligent and forward people know this. He plays
100% live these days.  Second who the fuck is detroit
science? LOL Yeah that's what i thought. Absolutely
NOTHING. This message has been forwarded to oliver by
the way though, strictly for comedic content. I'm sure
he'll get a big laugh at some dumbasses self
inadequacies and lies. LoL

>his supposed "live" gig was in fact a track act to a 
> dat. 

I invite anyone to see his show. People like bones,
beltram and many many others give him mass respect for
his lively non dat shows. Call sonic groove and ask if
you don't belive me. People know he's 100% fucking
live and wicked.  In fact he's probably the best live
p.a. the last 2 years. 

Seeing him do mission extacy, one night in n.y.c. and
flesh is the fever etc etc. Is pretty fucking
impressive and he's always got the crowd dancing. It's
rather Impressive. And his parter/brother
alexander(acrosome) uses a jp8080 among other
instruments when oliver is mc'ing. And I know for a
fact he's been helping oliver since a few years ago So
you're full of shit, hip-hop kiddie. Anyone who's into
hip-hop has gotta be a loser anyway. 

Typical though, an idiot into eMpTy-V cheese hip-hop
style would talk shit because oliver(the horrorsit)
rips shit over any rap mc and litterally makes them
look like run dmc at the playground wearing kikwears
and keds.  HAHAA I can't help but laugh at your
stupidity and lies.

I'm done.

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