I've heard some great things about DJ Spooky, but had never heard him spin
until DEMF. I have to say that his was the most bland and forgettable (imo)
show I saw down there and I saw the bulk of them. Most of it was old stuff
done without flair or a sense of flow. Later I was talking with a well known
Detroit DJ and he agreed (as did another DEMF performer with whom I spoke
the next day), so it wasn't simply me. I'd have been more interested in
hearing his old "death trip" stuff than the washed out material he played -
and apparently it wasn't just me. My friend Ed and I walked away (lloking
for better fare, which was easily found there) scratching our heads and
figuring it was either all hype or Spooky lost whatever he had which gave
him a good rep. Maybe it was an off day? Doesn't sound like it according to
what you said.


Andrew Duke wrote:

> My question after all this blather:  was last night an atypical DJ
> Spooky
> set, or is he truly someone who shouldn't be DJing?


"10,000 people all screaming the same thing at the same time are wrong, even
if they're right."

dancing/about/architecture "...with wandering steps and slow..." ICQ904008

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