Hey kids ...

In the further adventures of the Techno Tourist (West Coast contingent),
I'm off to New York City next week for MacWorld Expo NY at the Javits Center.

I'll be there from about 9 PM Tuesday night (18th) until about 4-ish or so
on Sunday afternoon (23rd).  If anyone has any suggestions for music to
search out on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday nights, I'm all
ears.  (Mmmmmmmm ... Friday night at Twilo, perhaps?)

If any of the NYC 313 posse wants to meet up, drop me a line.  I'll be cell
phone enabled (not sure of where I'm staying quite yet, sorting through
several hotel possibilities at the moment - currently leaning towards a place
at Park Avenue and 29th St.).

(Are you receiving, Ms. Potts, Mr. Tang, Mr. Malhotra?  hehe)

        - Greg

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