i get the 313-digest, so excuse me if this has come up already. did derrick ever show up at guernica in nyc last night? i left sometime after 2am ... had to get up for work today. i heard a bunch of different stories about why he was late ...

hearing dj jes spin for 5 hours (he was there to "open" for mr. may) was actually alot of fun. it took him awhile to get the crowd going, but the floor was filled from about 11:30 (he filled the floor by dropping a bunch of tracks off of his own fresca label) until i left. he dropped c. craig's "throw", an old derrick may track, a samuel sessions track, but mostly TONS of deep bassy filtered chicago house (old and new). great music, seamless mixing. the crowd was there for the music (the detroit techno parties always seem to attract the best crowds in nyc).


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