>Because he's been on the experimental tip lately but I see what your
>saying, I feel the same way about many Detroit artist nowadays.
>But lets look at this whole "tribal techno" movement that I'm not
>especially a big fan of, would it have even happened if it wasnt for
>Jeff Mills? that's basically what it is, just a bunch of Jeff Mills
>rehash from 3 or 4 years ago.
>Newer doesn't necessarily mean better but many Detroit techno or former
>Detroit techno artist feel they have to change for the sake of progress.
>When I listen to Detroit techno its mostly the classic stuff because
>that had a formula that worked, yes it is considered dated compared to
>today's dance trends but like they say newer doesn't necessarily mean
>better and alot of what I hear in electronica/ techno culture today is
>really not that new or better, its just more eclectic and refined due to
>technological advancements.

Just you wait until you hear the new Stacey Pullen album. New and great and
it's out next month.



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