Well if you're looking for warehouse stormers then logically you'd be
dissapointed with these releases. The musical trend now seems to be heading
toward more intricate sounds, structures that are more specialised then what was released back in the day. I'm not implying that there were no intricacies
in techno music then, just that it is more prevalent today because of new
technological advancements. Music evolves...and continue to evolve. (In some
cases more than some people do!)

I totaly agree, it is not that I do not loke the previously mentioned releases, they are just in a different context. I am a big fan of the intricate sound structures of late, but they have started to become a little to tright for my tastes. They are becoming to intricate and sophisticated. However, I would argue that some producers have begone to reintroduce the elements of a "warehouse stormer" with these intricate sound structures (Marco Carola and Adam Beyers' release on Zenit would be a good example). It is this type of production that I start to see influencing Detroit (via, Electric Deluxe). I feel these producers have found a great midway point between the intricate and storming sound. Another example would be Ade Fenton's Perverter release.

Jared Wilson
F.T.M. Records

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