"Jongsma, K.J." wrote:
> >  Well who's surprised the biggest hit Jam&Spoon ever had, yes
> >  stella, the
> >  entire drumline was stolen from Moby's GO. (And yes I know
> >  the melodic stuff
> >  in Moby's Go comes from the Twin Peaks theme by Badalamenti
> >  but I guess he
> >  had to pay for that)
> Are you sure you are not talking about the Stella remixes moby did? I'm sure
> moby remixed stella...

i can't remember if there was any remixes of 'stella' tune. but about
the 'go' track, hype was, at the time released, 91 or 92 (too long ago),
that moby hadn't payed the sample. i think he payed it, since, around
1994 some europop group that re-made the 'woodtick' mix version of 'go'
and they couldn't use those badalamenti samples. anyway, as probably all
of you know, the versions with badalamenti samples of 'go' aren't
original versions. 'go' was first released around '88 and it's totally
different sounding track. 

// sakke
work            > http://www.teraflops.com/
personal        > http://www.vip.fi/~sakke/

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