On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Mike Taylor wrote:

> hey, 
> I think this might be yet another example of how Detroit Techno has
> fallen off. ;)
> I am really looking forward to hearing his new material, thanks Otto.

I picked this up today and it is a 2X10" EP called Black Buildings. this
is just a prelude to the DEC album coming out on Peacefrog in the fall. It
even has a previously released track by neil that came out on his DEC
imprint called "Plumb" I think this song was not even released as a full
release. just promo only before his Ferox masterpiece Soundtrack 313 came
out. This is a very nice piece of work by neil. and come higly

also got the new mills double Every Dog has it's day...this is a very fine
release for jeff and is probably the best thing I have heard from him in
many years. very deep and nothing like what you would typically expect
from him if you are new to listening to his music. Don't sleep on this.
It's really good. still need to pick up sean's new album...heard it over
the phone the other day and it sounded better than the real audio clips i
heard on the intuit solar pa or whatever link that was that someone

simon (CiM) walley's LP on de:focus also scores high marks for me...very
good...teases you with such short eloquent pieces of music.


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