Greetings all,

Richie dropped a track at his party on monday morning at about 4:30-5:00 am
or so.  I can hear it perfectly in my head, though I may have some trouble
describing it so please bear with me.  It's an older track, it could even be
older than 5 years, but I'm not sure.....

Anyway, the track starts off with your standard beat and a stacatto base
line that has a sort of "wow-wow" sound.  As it progresses there are strings
(several layers) added to the mix, used in a more symphonic manner than the
norm; at the top of the track it adds these two sounds one after another
that remind me of whale song, each is about 10 seconds long with the second
one having a deeper tone.  Damn, this just makes me wish I could download
from brain to sample.......

If this rings a bell with anyone, please let me know...



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