Here's what NME say about the Jeff Mills Metropolis soundtrack - though I've
always found using FSOL's "Accelorator" album has been a great score for it
in the past!  Does anyone have any idea which cut of the film Mills' score
is for?


JEFF MILLS, the legendary second wave Detroit techno DJ and former
UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE member, has produced an updated soundtrack for the
Following the controversial Queen soundtracked re-release in the '80s, Mills
has produced a techno soundtrack to the classic 1926 Fritz Lang film. The
original film, a startling Modernist parable, has a singular resonance with
both Mills' and the original techno producers' futurist outlooks.
As Mills explains, "It is our intention to re-introduce and educate the
theories and ideology of Fritz Lang's 1926 masterpiece to the cyber youth of
today. It seems fitting that this movie, the movie that shaped the young
minds in the '20s, with its timeless message of solidarity and the
romanticising of its Utopian dream world be reiterated and reintegrated at
the beginning of our new century."
This is the Mills' first album since the 'From The 21st', Japan-only album
from the beginning of 1999. The album will be released through the stalwart
Berlin-based techno label Tresor on CD only. A double vinyl version will be
released through Mills' own Axis label. "Through the advances made in
technology," Mills concludes, "and the acute sense of futurism felt by the
youth of today, we hope to capture the minds and expand the imaginations of
the ones that will soon form and forge our new world."

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