"It's funny to me how popular it has become to slag him for =
media sensation this and that"

Amen to that, and the rest of your post.  I just don't understand why it's
become so popular to slag hawtin, May,Mills and the rest. Hell, I've even
heard people slag Pullen!

  If Hawtin's dj'in isn't your style then it isn't your style.  It doesn't
make him any less of a DJ.  As a producer he has had a very stable and
growing vision of what his music/performances/art is.  I chalk a lot of the
slagging down to professional jealousy..

As far as the sonic pummeling of DE9 is concerned, you shoulda been there
for the first three hours in Detroit over labor day.   He did play the hard
bangin' stuff, but i'd say it was well balanced by much other music i.e.
maurizio, night tripper, etc.

just my 666 cents



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