In a message dated 04/10/00 10:43:27 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I can't rememer with who it was that originally stated that tone shifting is
>  a mechanism of the brain that *fills* in the gaps in highly repetitive
>  music, but I agree with him and have to add that this fenomenon doesn't
>  occur only while listening to music, whether it be minimal techno or tribal
>  beats. It also occurs while on the train, in a room full of computers, or
>  wherever there is a repetitive sound. Thats why I like riding
>  trains....there so much music to be heard!!

I once saw this list called "you know your a raver when..." and it then 
listed 101 reasons you could tell your a raver.  Well, some people might be 
offended to be called ravers, I for one dont generally call myself one, but 
for some of these reasons you could easily replace raver with "techno freak" 
or something along those lines.  Anyway, amongst others, there was one that 
said "you know you're a raver/techno freak when you find yourself nodding 
your head to the tribal sounds of a washing machine".  Maybe this isn't 
toneshifting as discussed on the list, but its definately a case of a bored 
mind projecting music onto something which isn't necessarily musical, and I 
find it to be quite true.  Sort of like working in factory's, many times have 
I considered taking my MD recorder to work with me to try and capture the 
seemingly musical hum and machine noise that is the background noise of a 
busy factory.


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