You know I started to do the 'best DJ' thing and then killed my message,
for two reasons 1) since I work with a promoter and we book a lot of these
people, I don't want to leave anyone out, and hurt feelings. 2) I don't
really think that beyond the level of pure competency, DJing is such
a personal expression, that it's like ranking Van Gogh against Cezanne.

And it goes without saying that Mills, Hawtin, TP, Claude Young, etc are
at the top of the game.

But there's a whole slew of people who aren't as notorious, who are just
as good, arguably better. DJ Bone? Omigod.  As Eric would say: OUT COLD. 

In no order as well Twonz,Derek Plaslaiko,Traxx,Boo Williams,Ken Maier,
Carl Maier, Dietrich Schoenemann, Carlos Souffront, Kelvin Larkin,

And the best of my local posse are right up there.   The fact is that
talent don't come with a pricetag -- the pricetag comes from marketing.
Justone bangs it, Mary Cuddahy bangs it, Moonrakker kills, DJ Alert is
arguably the king of the cold jackin Iowa DJs, Justone kills, Ryan Burn
rocks, Meshuggah is dope, E Dubble kills. and my best girl DJ Miche can 
rock her living museum of vinyl like no other.  Not only are these people
good -- in a perfect world they'd be playing at Tresor and the Rex too.

And for anyone I missed I'll namecheck you next time.

kent williams -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- tunes -- mix

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