AAAh well ... in my bloodlust for knowledge I came across this (forgive me
if it's already been posted):


Tresor 155

Artist: Jeff Mills
Title: Metropolis
Label: Tresor
Cat.No: 56155-2
Release: October 2000
Barcode: CD  7 1875 56155 2 2

- 15 exclusive new tracks
- Jeff Mills first concept album since Waveform Transmission Vol. 3 (first
released in 1994 by Tresor Records / Tresor 29276-2/6)

Product Information
The Man From Tomorrow returns with a new concept and soundtrack album to
Fritz Lang's hugely influential silent film 'Metropolis'. Having just
released the 'Every Dog Has it's Day' double-pack on his own Axis imprint,
Mills is still
travelling the world with his incendiary Techno dj sets but once again
surprises with a new turn of hand.

This is an ELECTRONIC COMPOSITION concept album.
It is purpose-designed to be heard while watching Fritz Langs´ 1926
Mills´ own mastery of the sound of the future excellently and equally
matches Langs´ master-vision of the Utopian Dream; narrative,
and timeless. The future of electronic music is now. Listen to it and
understand why Jeff Mills is known as the best Techno producer in the world.

Introduction by JEFF MILLS:
Often, I am inspired to create music soon after watching movies or going to
the cinema. The probable cause, my mind being inflicted becomes
not only by the plot but also, intrigued by the method in which the producer
choose to present the plot of film to the viewer. Communicating
stories has always been an intricate part of how mankind evolved. By
translating and moralizing stories from generation past, the cascading of
ethics somehow embed themselves within our subconscious. Thus,
creating a
platform for individual behavior patterns. In this respect,  the
of urbanism is the most definitive collaboration of intersecting platforms
that we as humans have created. Urbanism, collectively existing in mass or
secluding oneself within it? Which ever you believe, urban spree generates
opportunity and inspiration. Despair and misfortunate. It is often the
catalyst for moral majority persuasion and cause for which most people think
catapults right and wrong. Nevertheless, there must be a medium.

In 1926, Fritz Lang.'s timeless masterpiece, Metropolis exceeded the laws of
morality. With his acute executions of detail and dynamic formation of
storytelling, he managed to capture minds and extort acts of passion.
Needless to say, his contribution to the advancement of motion
pictures was
bold enough to create political manifestations of such proportions that the
scale of influences have yet to be match by any other film in history. His
socialist overtones peered across the line of ethics while at the same time,
presented the fruits of capitalism and in their applications. Only by
the heart will there be inner peace thus, outer. It seals the fate in this
story, a  lesson, I hope, should be reissued with time.

It is my intention to reintroduce and educate the theories and
ideology of
Fritz Lang.'s contribution of Metropolis to the cyber-youth of today.
Implying the timeless message of solidarity and the romantising of the
perfect world. A Utopian Dream. It seemed fitting that this movie, the movie
that shaped the young minds in 1926 be reiterated and re-intergrated at this
beginning of our new century. We hope through the advance made in technology
and the acute sense of futurism by the youth of today, we can capture the
minds and expand the imaginations, the ones that will soon forge and form
new world.

Jeff Mills


JEFF MILLS:  Metropolis

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