I won't bug you with this one again ;-)


It doesn't sound like anyone else's track, and probably doesn't
really sound like any of the loops.

If you were so kind as to listen to the first version, this one
is cleaned up, sped up,  and mixed down multi-channel through the promix
with outboard effects, compressed with my DBX266 and then mastered.

The only sound editing I did outside of acid was to clean up that one
speedy J loop for a decent kick, and run one of the vocal samples through
a granular synthesis plugin.

Most of the other sounds were subjected to extreme pitch shifts and/or
time compression/expansion inside Acid.

Thanks for listening.

BTW I've listened to all the tracks in the contest, and I think it's
going to be tough -- none of them are manifestly lame!  I would encourage
people to go to acid planet and check it out. 

kent williams -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
http://www.mp3.com/chaircrusher -- tunes
http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/directory.cgi?autostart=chaircrusher -- mix

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