Odeluga, Ken wrote:
Well the writing's on the wall when people like Tristan aka Phonopsia of
this parish, say they're buying hardly any vinyl nowadays and mostly
buying digital. This from someone whom, if you know him as well as I do,
was surely amongst the biggest consumers of vinyl records in the UK for
several years. That is not an exaggeration.
It's a fair point Ken but one person isn't everybody and I can fully understand why Tristan has changed the way he purchases his music, all valid points.

But I don't feel it's the "writing" on the way tho, far from it - now is the time for the music makers to take back control and start dealing direct.
To keep with the Phonopsia example though, and as you point out Martin,
many people still love it: for sentimental reasons, or for reasons of
the subjective audio character of vinyl [however misguided that is - I'm
not making a judgement either way here, mind.]
I love the whole process and see releases as a work of art and as an "object" it still holds a lot magic for me and always will. Some people don't care, not even enough to pay for their and Spotify may well be the final nail in the coffin of an industry that no longer has clue but I'd gladly help hammer those nails home if it means an end to EMI ;)

There still seems to be some life left, albeit it's niche and probably
doomed to complete extinction in the much longer term.
There will always be vinyl and without being rude and with respect haven't we heard the doom story before, CDs, Tapes, MP3's, Films, Print blah blah blah.


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