> hey-any reports on the pole show last night? how was it?

well i didnt go to the detroit show...but hit up the chicago gig on
tuesday night w/ Farben and Burnt Friedman

Farben was amazing... chilled out techno...very minimal..dubby perfect to
start the night.  really got quite funky at times.   where else besides
Klang has he put out material?

Burnt.Friedman...   i have a couple of his records.... and I was slightly
dissappointed by the set.  first, it wasnt live...  he wwas mixing 2
minidiscs back and forth...  not as dancy as i would have liked...but oh
well..  it was still mentally entertaining.

pole.  wow.  played 4 sections of music...for about 45 minutes...  very
amazing.  i really enjoyed the third section.   funky
techno.pole.style.  =)   i havent bought the new release yet, but someone
told me that he played primarily off of that.   i highly recommend
checking out any further dates he has.   

it was great to see that many people out on a tuesday night.  
props to mike javor and /bin for making another nite go off in
chicago. check out his website at: www.enteract.com/~egoiste  for future
dates, including safety scissors and sutekh on 11/7


p.s.  theorem(live), carlos sauffront, bill vanloo(live) and karl meier
are playing 11/3 at the subterranean.  

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