> hey-any reports on the pole show last night? how was it?

Good. Very good. Apparently, Farben's gear got damaged, so the show didn't start til nearl 11:30. Farben ended up playing last, also. I'm curious - does anyone know if the video installation was a local, or is it part of their show? It was amazing, whoever put it up.

Friedman started it off, mixing 10 different pre-recorded tracks. Nicely done dark dubby stuff - I was very pleased by it. I got the impression it was live, and he was mixing multi-track, but I wasn't watching what he was doing, so I could be wrong.

Pole was amazing. He played 4 sections, as mentioned. It's impressive how much music is produced by him tweaking a single knob, hitting a key on his synth, and waiting for a little bit, then hitting another key. At any rate, I completely concur with Mike's opinion - the third section was straight-out funk, as conceived by Pole. Since Farben was still fixing his gear, us Detroit-types were treated to a fifth section of Pole. It was just as good as the rest.

Farben, unfortunately, just wasn't the right person to follow Pole. Although I thoroughly enjoyed what I heard of his set (had to leave, needed sleep), I just wasn't in the mood for more upbeat, minimal style music. Still, I liked it. And at another time probably would have been just as into it as the Pole set.

Great show, in other words.

Josh Landau
phase 10
tuesdays, noon to three
WCBN-FM 88.3, ann arbor, mi

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