The Detroit Techno producers I've met are by and large pretty
hard-headed, straight edge guys.  A few, I know, are committed
church-going Christians, but they aren't so rigid as to stay away from
playing clubs and parties.  It seems that the mystic bent is confined
to a minority of artists, the ones you cite being from the UK.

I never really know how to take it, except I have more patience for it
from artists who I respect, e.g. Ken Downie.  When it comes to Gen P
Orridge, I think for him music has usually taken a back seat to saying
whatever ridiculous sh1t occurs to him, so long as it makes him the
center of attention.  I've listened to a lot of it, out of deference
to his involvement in several seminal projects, but once he got fake
boobs, I lost all tolerance for it.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Michael Kuszynski <> wrote:
> So,
> I've been growing to have a rather acute interest in black dog, and
> the strange mysticism they keep having, the whole ov, thee, 23, etc
> thing.
> Then I start digging into Genesis P-Orridge, and then I see something
> about relation to Temple ov Psychick Youth, 'magick', making 'sigils'
> and pretty unfamiliar occult stuff.  Then there's the whole '23' thing
> about making the sigils at the 23rd hour of the 23rd day of each month
> and channeling their energies or wills.
> Maybe I'm stepping on some toes, or off topic, out of bounds, etc, so
> reply of list if you please.
> Is a huge segment of techno run by wiccans (post-wiccans) now?  Have
> they taken to analog synthesizers to transmit magick?
> Sorry, just confused, and don't have a neat ribbon to tie it on, and I
> try to have a neat ribbon on conceptual things lest I reach a bigger
> standstill.
> Since a lot of the universe (i.e. members associated or formerly
> associated) of all this topic is involved in 313, definitely no
> replies needed.  Just curious.

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