Whenever I hear about a party that advertises that all the DJs are women, I feel suspicious. The lure should be the music that'll be played, not the gender of the DJs.

Unless their gender has some direct bearing on what I'll hear, why bother to mention it?

It makes me think that the party will likely attract a bunch of smarmy guys who'll be there for the girl-watching and not the music, which will make me less inclined to go to the party.


Lori Draper wrote:
Yeah, Denise and I are here to represent the female contingent.

Magda is one of the better DJs I've seen live and I would love it if
she, Kate Simko or Minx would play in Dallas I'd be there in a
heartbeat. Heather and Dayhota always kill it when they are here; I
hope I live to see the day when female DJs aren't regulated to playing
all-girl theme nights, topless, or as some kind of other gimmick but
rather, strictly for their talent.

DJing is one of the few music realms where it really shouldn't matter
what you look like; unfortunately, that's true only for the guys.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:22 AM, David Powers<cybo...@gmail.com> wrote:
That's why I play deep house now, that, and I'm too old to dance to
anything faster than 128 bpm... ;-)

Seriously though it's hard for me to get into pounding stuff or really
fast tempos anymore, I did enjoy Mills when he played at Smartbar
Chicago though, that's about the only hard stuff I've heard in the
last year.

But slower tempos just seem way sexier and funkier mostly.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:53 AM, jwan allen<jwan.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

I can assure you that most Techno events are "sausage parties" on this
side of the ocean as well.:)


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