On 21 Oct 2009, at 11:13, Lerato Khathi wrote:

what a shambles ! the bbc are jokers really .
we have truly entered the new age of conservatism /fascism in the Uk i feel . with the conservative party looking like the next government , i pity immigrants ++ in this country .


Absolutely Lerato, which is why in this case I really don't believe giving the BNP a massive platform is the right thing to do, times are hard and we need to stick together rather than letting this scum spread their hate and divide us. I also feel the panel will blow it.

Sadly, in Sheffield we have a large bunch of neo-nazis (WNP/BPP/C18/ EDL), some of which are Griffin's hench men, anyone who wants to see what the real BNP are like is welcome to request a link from me because there's no way I'm putting it on a public list, the guys who run the site and be seen in pictures with Griffin and acting as his body guards.

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