Please use lossless files in your mix Arturo.

I declare the annual flame war open!


-----Original Message-----
From: Arturo Lopez []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 9:45 PM
To: Three-One-Three
Subject: (313) Huzzah for Serato

Posted a while back about Serato vs Traktor, just wanted to say I
finally picked up Serato and a new laptop yesterday and could not be
happier. I know I'm late to that particular party, but it still blows
my mind that I can load up any .mp3 and then play it on my turntables;
the precision is quite amazing.  Thanks to everyone who emailed me
with advise.  I also just bought a new web domain and I'll start
putting up some off the beaten path mixes before too long.


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