That's a good list of relatively recent releases that mark some
significant acclaim from 313 style artists.

Apparently a sole fan, I also really enjoyed Jeff Mills - One Man
Spaceship (though I had to import it from Japan on CD).  It really to
me is the peak of
Jeff-Mills-as-crazy-ambient-non-techno-techno-producer, and the studio
work is breath-freaking-taking.

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:18 PM, David Barna <> wrote:
> I stopped following this sort of music actively around 03 or 04 and
> have been looking for new things to listen to as well. I've actually
> been into reissues more than anything else lately and I've been
> checking out a lot of old live sets and such. Here are some things you
> may want to check out, pretty obvious picks I guess...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Lees
> Wed, 10 Mar 2010 21:07:24 -0800
> Dear 313,
> So, I was looking for something interesting to listen to a few days ago and 
> was
> really stuck. I needed advice which is why I turn to you.
> I was actually on the list many years ago (around 2002-05, I think), I do
> recognize some names who are still here.
> Anyway, since my departure I've swapped the rainy days in the UK for the
> constant 30 degree heat of Singapore.
> Unfortunately while the weather here is much better, the music scene... well,
> there is no (good) music scene. It's really very depressing.
> I realized the best way for me to locate some good music was to come back here
> and ask the friendly people of 313.
> I've been downloading the bleep podcasts, which are great. I've got a few 
> beats
> in space ones also.
> Any important albums from the past 5 years I might have missed :)
> -Mike

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