Many 313ers write off Mills for being either a has been or little more than a hard techno jock, while his more recent productions are a clear example that none of these categories are the case, not to mention his spectacular recent dj sets.

One Man Spaceship was an excellent album indeed, with moods ranging from abstract space jazz (on Final Night of Ambient Light) to near peaktime intensity on Life Timed Device, to the classical workout on The Great Chase, or the ambient Above the Waiting Worlds. He keeps churning out good product with just about every new release. Speaking of his new releases, have you heard The Sleeper Wakes?


On Mar 13, 2010, at 3:38 PM, wrote:

That's a good list of relatively recent releases that mark some
significant acclaim from 313 style artists.

Apparently a sole fan, I also really enjoyed Jeff Mills - One Man
Spaceship (though I had to import it from Japan on CD).  It really to
me is the peak of
Jeff-Mills-as-crazy-ambient-non-techno-techno-producer, and the studio
work is breath-freaking-taking.

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:18 PM, David Barna <> wrote:
I stopped following this sort of music actively around 03 or 04 and
have been looking for new things to listen to as well. I've actually
been into reissues more than anything else lately and I've been
checking out a lot of old live sets and such. Here are some things you
may want to check out, pretty obvious picks I guess...


Michael Lees
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 21:07:24 -0800

Dear 313,

So, I was looking for something interesting to listen to a few days ago and was
really stuck. I needed advice which is why I turn to you.

I was actually on the list many years ago (around 2002-05, I think), I do
recognize some names who are still here.

Anyway, since my departure I've swapped the rainy days in the UK for the
constant 30 degree heat of Singapore.
Unfortunately while the weather here is much better, the music scene... well,
there is no (good) music scene. It's really very depressing.

I realized the best way for me to locate some good music was to come back here
and ask the friendly people of 313.

I've been downloading the bleep podcasts, which are great. I've got a few beats
in space ones also.
Any important albums from the past 5 years I might have missed :)


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