That's cause techno all sounds the same

On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:36 PM, kent williams <> wrote:

> Got my memory jogged today by someone on Facebook and listened again
> for the first time in years to  Spacetime Continuum "Emit Ecaps"
> album. I'd forgotten how good it is, and in the current context it
> sounds even better.
> But what really struck me (and actually is relevant here) is the
> companion remix album rEmit rEcaps which has an epic Carl Craig remix.
> It compares very oddly with the original, which is kind of
> proto-dubstep with long beatless interludes. CC turns it into one of
> his raw heavy-swing house joints.  Somehow the way he continually
> switches up for 10 minutes actually sounds more like Theo Parrish than
> either Carl Craig or Spacetime Continuum.
> I think with dance music you can always go back 10-15 years and find a
> bunch of records that got slept on at the time that sound perfectly
> current.

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