thats cause most of todays music all sounds the same. minimal anyone?


On 29 jul 2010, at 19.42, wrote:

That's cause techno all sounds the same

On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:36 PM, kent williams <> wrote:

Got my memory jogged today by someone on Facebook and listened again
for the first time in years to  Spacetime Continuum "Emit Ecaps"
album. I'd forgotten how good it is, and in the current context it
sounds even better.

But what really struck me (and actually is relevant here) is the
companion remix album rEmit rEcaps which has an epic Carl Craig remix.
It compares very oddly with the original, which is kind of
proto-dubstep with long beatless interludes. CC turns it into one of
his raw heavy-swing house joints.  Somehow the way he continually
switches up for 10 minutes actually sounds more like Theo Parrish than
either Carl Craig or Spacetime Continuum.

I think with dance music you can always go back 10-15 years and find a
bunch of records that got slept on at the time that sound perfectly

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