I just saw Hell play here in Toronto, and I can say that while he
dropped a few nice tracks and his mixing was tight, I found it rather
boring.  I was actually pretty disapointed.  His set really lacked
energy and direction, IMHO.  Though I'm interested in hearing his set
at FUSE to see how it compares.

And Zombie Nation is a huge rave/club anthem in Europe.  While it's
not strictly in the trance vein, it has that very catchy synth line
and euro-disco feel, so I can see why it's so big over there (and
barely known here in North America).  Dave Clarke's justifcation in
Jockey Slut for why he remixed it is a good laugh.  For someone with
such good taste in electro, he's a real cheeseball.  Not that he ever
plays electro when he DJs live...


Cyclone Wehner sez:

> They have had a few anomalies of late - eg Chance & The Sunkids garage
> diamonds. There's a big article on Zomie Nation in Jockey Slut (Oct) with
> their millionth (or sumthin') Dave Clarke article. For a man with such a
> profound distaste for journalists/the media he does a lot.  Everyone (I know
> with taste) is raving about the new DJ Hell Fuse mix-CD. He is among my
> favourite DJs. Check it out.
> >I thought Central station only licenced hi-nrg rave/house hits?? What the
> >hell is going on?
> >
> >Peace,
> >Patrick, Southern Outpost.
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