Actually I thought there was some good stuff and some that was so
bad it was basically also good.

I joined the 4AD list, not really rave oriented but one of the first
standalone music oriented mailing lists, in 1989.  At one point around
mid-1992 I was on sfraves, socal-raves, ne-raves and uk-dance
(nwraves a little later and 313 in early 1995), and a regular on vrave
so I know the actual history quite well.

In retrospect I think the lists reflected rather than drove the state of
the "scene", but they were important to reaching out and seeing
that there was more to all this than a few scattered oddball breakouts
of electronic music.

And there were some priceless moments.  I don't indulge in nostalgia
much but I bring out the bit below once in a while for grins...  The 
to this (on  ne-raves) were from every part of the US, coast to coast, north
to south.

Coincidentally at the moment I am in Salt Lake City, home of Pete
Ashdown to whom goes the credit for the eternal phrase, "Go away Moby!"
I think Pete is still involved with

The first rave in Utah:



(ne-raves archive)

Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 14:08:49 EST
Subject: Moby update

Hello everyone!

        Ummmmmmm, just thought I would mention this interesting tidbit that
happened to me this morning.  I was woken up from a deep slumber at 11AM by
a phone call from none other than MOBY.  He wanted my address so he could
send me a revised version of the MOBY FAQ that Mike Brown is currently
maintaining (I gave him a copy a few weeks ago).  He then asked me about
recommendations for Macintosh computers.  He was shopping for one to use
in his studio.  When I get the update, I'll make sure I both

a) post it
b) send it to Mike for revision/addition

        Sorry to waste bandwidth, but I thought it was cool.


PS : Anyone who is anyone *should not* miss Laura's party.  They are the best!
PPS: Evan, Mars, Kreig and Fluid : you boys better be there!!!!!

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Wed, 9 Dec 92 18:02 EST
Subject: Re: Moby update

Errrrgh!  Can we keep the rumors about my party DOWN please!  Moby *MIGHT*
have come to the *LAST* one, but that's in the past and has no bearing
on this weekend.  As far as I know he wasn't even invited.  I don't know
him personally.


                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1992 08:51:25 -0800
From: Robert Campanell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Moby update

Maybe Damian can advise him to get a modem with hix Mac, and then he can
subscribe to ne-raves and go to all of our fabulous pre-rave parties.

- Rob

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1992 14:20:52 EST
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mindFsck)
Subject: Re: Moby update

>As far as I know he wasn't even invited.

ah, but damian is supposed to have invited him...

>I don't know him personally.

damian is so famous these days that everyone calls him up on the phone. :)

                                 e va n

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pete Ashdown)
Subject: Re: Moby update
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 92 16:03:52 MST

> damian is so famous these days that everyone calls him up on the phone. :)

Nahh, that Moby is just such a wanker he'll bother anyone for silly reasons.
He's always over at my place wanting to borrow CDs and read my magazines.
I'll often come home and he's sitting on the porch waiting for me to arrive,
usually, I'll just groan, "Moby go away, I'm busy."

Joke son, it's a JOKE.

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

From: Mike J. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Moby update
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 92 23:22:15 EST

> > damian is so famous these days that everyone calls him up on the phone. :)
> Nahh, that Moby is just such a wanker he'll bother anyone for silly reasons.
> He's always over at my place wanting to borrow CDs and read my magazines.
> I'll often come home and he's sitting on the porch waiting for me to arrive,
> usually, I'll just groan, "Moby go away, I'm busy."

that's nothin.  every time i turn around he's stopping in where i work,
begging me to be his manager and asking for my input on all his songs.
seems like every time he hits a creative block he comes running to me,
"mike, mike, you gotta help me, i can't think of anything to write" so
sometimes i say something like "why don't you sample a bunch of stuff
from tones on tail and twin peaks and stick a breakbeat under it?" or
other times i'll groan, "moby go away, i'm busy."


                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: 10 Dec 1992 23:57:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: moby

listen folks.. moby lives 4 doors down from me on Mott street.  every night
he rings my buzzer.. taylor.. can you come over and help me with my MIDI
system.. i have no idea what i'm doing?  so i go over.. patch up all his
synths.. jam some trance with him (i wrote "help me to believe")..

then the hard part comes.. i want to go home. and he won't let me.. "oh please
stay.. your music is so cool!" he says...come on.. i'll give you an S1100.
tis' the same thing.. day after day...

moby.. can't you see i'm busy.



ps:  on a serious note:  did anyone else hear that he got signed to a MAJOR
label?  i did.. and was wondering if it was true...

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 92 21:08:01 -0800
From: Brian Behlendorf (Vitamin B) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Moby update

>> > damian is so famous these days that everyone calls him up on the phone. :)
>> Nahh, that Moby is just such a wanker he'll bother anyone for silly reasons.
>> He's always over at my place wanting to borrow CDs and read my magazines.
>> I'll often come home and he's sitting on the porch waiting for me to arrive,
>> usually, I'll just groan, "Moby go away, I'm busy."

>that's nothin.  every time i turn around he's stopping in where i work,
>begging me to be his manager and asking for my input on all his songs.
>seems like every time he hits a creative block he comes running to me,
>"mike, mike, you gotta help me, i can't think of anything to write" so
>sometimes i say something like "why don't you sample a bunch of stuff
>from tones on tail and twin peaks and stick a breakbeat under it?" or
>other times i'll groan, "moby go away, i'm busy."

yeah yeah yeah.  I know what you mean - he used to use me to get samples for
him off of FTP sites, until I told him to enroll in a rudimentary Unix class
so he could get them for himself.  Then he begged me for a Soda account so I
said fine. (try it - [EMAIL PROTECTED])  That was a mistake.  Now he's
"write"ing me
all the time, asking how to read mail and what "NNTP" means.  I haven't told
him about any of the rave lists yet because I'm afraid he'll just completely
dominate them, telling us how "fscking great, man" that damned 1000 BPM song
is.  Yesterday he sent me a talk request asking how to delete files, so I said,
"moby go away, I'm busy."


                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: 11 Dec 92   08:56:38 EDT
Subject: Moby

You guys are lucky !  He comes to me for dance lessons. "Golden Boy" he says,
man you truly RAVE. Do you think you can teach me how to dance like that.
But "Moby", I say, I've already taught you a few things, go from there,
now go away, can't you see I'm busy.

Golden Boy

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1992 09:47:20 EST
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mindFsck)
Subject: Re: Moby

>You guys are lucky !  He comes to me for dance lessons. "Golden Boy" he says,
>man you truly RAVE. Do you think you can teach me how to dance like that.
>But "Moby", I say, I've already taught you a few things, go from there,
>now go away, can't you see I'm busy.
>Golden Boy

"e va n," he says, "you did such a good job with drop a beat, go, and next is
e- please come out of the closet! i can't bear taking credit for your techno
songwriting genius any more; it's driving me crazy! maybe you can get that
'short goofy looking' guy dieselBoy to help you out."
"moby," i say, "shut up. all you have to do is dance around and pretend you're
playing your one keyboard on stage- isn't that easy enough?? now go away,
SHOO, i have more important things to do- like going to laura's party saturday
"gee, e va n," he asks, "can i come?"
"no," i respond, "of course not!!!"

                                    e va n

     o    n    e        r    a    v    e        n    a    t    i    o    n

       . .  .  .  . .  .  .  . .  .  .  . .  .  .  . .  .  .  . .  .  .
       bbsbsbsbbs bbsbsbsbbs bbsbsbsbbs bbsbsbsbbs bbsbsbsbbs bbsbsbsbbs

                                      /  \

                             breakbeat for thought

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 92 10:17:24 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan English)
Subject: moby

but the worst is when he calls me up to borrow clothes,
"camper, do you have a long sleeve t-shirt i can wear tonite?.."
but he's sneaky too., "hey camper, where did you say you got that hat?"
then next thing you know, he shows up at a rave wearing the same thing
as me. i hate that. from now on, when he asks me i'll say,
go away moby, i'm busy.
                            stay groovy.
 camper english         that's not MY snot!       

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 92 10:17 EST
Subject: Re: Moby

This is so much fun.  I want to play.

e va n says:

>"moby," i say, "shut up. all you have to do is dance around and pretend you're
>playing your one keyboard on stage- isn't that easy enough?? now go away,
>SHOO, i have more important things to do- like going to laura's party saturday
>"gee, e va n," he asks, "can i come?"
>"no," i respond, "of course not!!!"

Actually, he calls me all the time wanting to know where the raves are.
"moby," i say, "shut up.  all the information i know is in rave-o-matic.
now go away and try ftp to  Or go bother Heather Heather."

(hey, I need a name.  any suggestions?)

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 92 12:54:37 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Perkowitz)
Subject: moby

you guys are crazy.  ;)

moby is always writing me long, florid, angst-filled letters on cheap
stationery, moaning that he has no meaning in his life. "why are we
here?" he'll ask. ""should i read nietzsche? what about aquinas"?
finally, i got sick of him and told him "moby, go become a monk or
something. or better yet, check out fundamentalism. it's *rteal* cool."


t   i   n   t   i   n   n   a   b   u   l   a   t   i   o   n

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: 11 Dec 1992 12:22:04 -0500 (EST)
Subject: moby...

poor guy!  if he could only see what we're doing to him.  maybe i'll get him
over here and show him all these things we're been writing..but no, then he'd
ask to play with all my keyboards.. and want to show me some of his new stuff.
i'm just to busy for that moby.


                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1992 13:34:50 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jason P. Milletary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: moby...

> poor guy!  if he could only see what we're doing to him.  maybe i'll get him

oh sure...and he'll come crawling to me as usual...

Jason...they're making fun of me...
"uh, moby"
you're so together...and i lack that self-confidence
please help me....
"just keep thinking...I'm good enough..I'm smart enough...and gosh darnit,
people like go busy"

--jason (dj guile)

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Subject: Moby (hmm!)
From: John A Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Fri, 11 Dec 1992 14:00:05 -0500

Well, I was at a somewhat private rave one time and this weird guy comes over.
"Like, cool T-Shirt, man. Can I buy it off you?"
"No, Fscking way". I said," who do you think you are, Moby?"
"Yes, I am", he said and wandered off......................

Troc (the British raver, who seems to be lost in the USA)
! John Savage : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! Wot no disclaimer?                  !
! or using "snail-mail" at :-           !"I see a dark sail on the horizon.   !
!                                       ! Set under a black cloud that hides  !
!         Apt # 205                     ! the sun. Bring me my broadsword     !
!         2905 N. Charles St,           ! and clear understanding. Bring me   !
!         Baltimore,                    ! my cross of gold as a talisman."    !
!         Maryland 21218                !                                     !
!         U.S.A.                        ! Jethro Tull, Broadsword             !

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1992 14:26:37 -0500 (EST)
From: Alan Michael Parry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: moby

   Your not gonna believe this...

   This morning I got a phone call from none other than moby. He called me
at 8:00am, woke me up, and said "Fluid..I need your help...My printer just
ran out of paper and I don't know how to reload it."  Well I tried to
explain it to him over the phone but he still didn't understand so I went
round to his house and showed him how to do it.
   Anyway, I was just about ready to leave when he called after me "Fluid,
Fluid,...come back. Now my computer is working!" ..."try plugging it in to
the wall moby" I said.

   You'd think a guy like moby could figure these thing out...but no. Next
time I'll just say "go away moby- - I'm busy"

                       [] [] [][] [][] [] [][] [][] [] []

Date:      Fri, 11 Dec 92 14:16:58 PST
From: "Pat Dote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: moby...

REPLY TO 12/11/92 10:51 FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Jason P. Milletary": Re: moby...

hey doods, don]t be busting on moby, doods, he rocks. o.k.? like you
could do almost half the things he could do with half your skills
doods, so like just cut it out doods.... Shopwell fscking rules the
world doods so f##king step-off. ingrates. and that cool world
soundtrack: f##king brillant.


and for my next trick, sticking my head in the bass cabinet.



> good article, a little off at times (seriously... Rob Theakston is just "a
>Detroit rave veteran"???), but a good read.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jeremy bispo []
>Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:12 PM
>To: list 313
>Subject: (313) NPR: How The Internet Transformed The American Rave Scene
>As You Like It
>Founder & Executive Producer
>skype: jeremybispo

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