That was one of most irratating things about the coverage of rave
scene in the early days. Without fail, there would be 4,000 ppl in a
nondescript warehouse in nyc and the photographer would snap of pic of
some douchebag wearing one of those silly hats! That being said, not
all of the fashion was bad, I still wear polo till this day. Ralph
Lauren knows how to dress the black man!:)



On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Arturo Lopez <> wrote:
> Fun article.  For those of us in the States who weren't quite old
> enough yet to sneak out of our parent's houses but had access to a
> computer in mid 90s, the early raver web scene was a great way to live
> a bit vicariously. There was definitely a year or two where I was
> consuming every bit of forum posting I could until I was old enough to
> get out and see things for myself.  This does unfortunately bring back
> memories of terrible fashion and even worse music though *shakes head
> disapprovingly at younger self* but good times had by all ;)
> -Arturo

Technoir Audio
"dealing with your imperfect world"

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