I am also without words after this news, i think most of us who know Dan are 
all feeling the same. Also, it says something about our beloved techno scene 
that when not a famous DJ or an artists but someone who loves the music needs 
our help, we help. 

I just noticed that the fund raiser has passed the 100% limit.

Without words...


On 27 aug 2011, at 11:31, ja...@iridite.com wrote:

> I dont mind saying i shed a tear last night when I was reading the Blog.
> Jason
> On 27 August 2011 01:31,  <maxphi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Gutted, spreading the word.  Thank you for letting us know.
>> m50
>> At 2011.08.26 16:49, Otto wrote:
>>> It's a sign of how much he means when a bunch of Technotourists many
>>> timezones away, who would see Dan maybe once a year, are looking at
>>> their monitors stunned, shocked and saddened, as if this were
>>> happening to someone we'd see every week.
>>> Still at a loss for words,
>>> Otto
>>> PS It's heartening to see so many people contributing to Dan's care,
>>> please visit the site and donate if you haven't already.
>>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Greg Earle <ea...@isolar.dyndns.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> is very, very ill.
>>>> We all know how much Dan means to our community.
>>>> Please ... if you can.
>>>> http://www.gofundme.com/DanSicko
>>>> Background: http://mattsicko.blogspot.com/
>>>> ;-(
>>>>        - Greg

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